Sydney Markets Move To Aerotropolis Opens Up Exciting Redevelopment Options At Flemington
The announcement that the Sydney Markets have agreed with the NSW Government to establish at the Aerotropolis opens up the potential for redevelopment of the existing Flemington site says the Urban Taskforce.
The announcement that the Sydney Markets have agreed with the NSW Government to establish at the Aerotropolis opens up the potential for redevelopment of the existing Flemington site says the Urban Taskforce.
“The massive markets site at Flemington is an ideal opportunity for an urban redevelopment at the scale of a mini city when the Sydney Markets move to the Aerotropolis.” Says Urban Taskforce CEO Chris Johnson “It is likely that the markets will want to retain a presence on the existing site but locate most of the operations to the Aerotropolis.”
“The Flemington site is perfectly located for redevelopment with its location between the Sydney CBD and the jobs in Parramatta as well as having its own railway station. With communities expressing concern about infrastructure development we must maximise the use of large sites like Flemington to incorporate local infrastructure including health and education facilities as well as providing open space and parklands.”
“The news that the Sydney Markets will be at the Western City completes a move westward for the markets from Haymarket in the Harbour city to Flemington near the River City of Parramatta to the third city at the Aerotropolis.”