Regional real estate agent takes helm of REIWA
The REIWA Council has elected Mr Joe White as the Institute’s new president, after serving two years as deputy president.
Dunsborough real estate agent Joe White has taken the helm of the Real Estate Institute of Western Australia (REIWA).
The announcement comes as Damian Collins finished up his four-year term as president on Thursday (13 October).
Mr White was appointed after serving two years as deputy president.
REIWA CEO Cath Hart said the REIWA Council also appointed Councillor Suzanne Brown as deputy president.
“With a gamut of skills under his belt, including 31 years in the real estate industry, experience as a member on numerous boards, Mr White brings a wealth of knowledge to REIWA,” Ms Hart said.
“His knowledge of regional Western Australia, having lived and worked in Dunsborough for three decades, as well as his commitment to the housing supply and affordability framework will be a great asset to the institute.”
Mr White welcomed the opportunity to take on the role.
“I am delighted to have been appointed REIWA President and thank Council for their faith in my ability to represent the Institute on behalf of its members,” Mr White said.
The change in President will also initiate a change to the official REIWA spokesperson, with CEO Cath Hart now responsible for all media comments and interviews.
Mr White will remain the key spokesperson for regional property related enquiries.
The REIWA Council also elected the following new office bearers: Rob Mandanici – Chair Finance and Risk Management Committee; Peta McKenzie – Council nominee to the Finance and Risk Management Committee.