NSW Agents Fighting To Change Perception
The 2019 Ethics Index results released by the Governance Institute of Australia has placed Real Estate as the third most unethical occupation, behind State and Federal politicians.
For REINSW President Leanne Pilkington, this data poses a direct challenge to the entire industry.
“We cannot accept these statistics and rollover. It is clear we need to work to improve the way we are viewed by society.
“I am proud to say at REINSW we are working on just this, with the Pathway to Professionalism (P2P) movement.
“Just yesterday, over 100 agents from across the state gathered at our Industry Summit to discuss our commitment and drive to improve consumer sentiment.
“Agents need to realise in order to change the perception of the Australian public, we need to take the Pathway to Professionalism and improve as an entire cohort.”
Leanne says while perceptions won’t change overnight, they will change if agents commit to do better.
“We need to recognise where we are going wrong and improve.
“REINSW has run its Industry Summit for seven years and growing the professionalism of our industry has dominated most of them.
“What was clear at yesterday’s event is agents are prepared to work together and collaborate in order to improve our industry.
“Shifting consumer sentiment is only going to happen when we can demonstrate that our focus is completely on the consumers and what their needs are.”