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A guide to Queensland's far-reaching new land tax

National expansion of Queensland's land tax will add a whole new layer of complexity, and potentially expenses, for any investor with property in that state but this in-depth overview from Investor Partner Group explains everything a property owner needs to know.

Aerial view of the houses lining the canals of the Gold Coast.
An increase in land tax liability for anyone in Australia who owns land in Queensland is looming. (Image source:

For anyone in Australia who owns property in Queensland, changes to that state’s land lax regime have major implications for investors and land owners.

Significant changes to the calculation of Queensland land tax liability were given the green light when the Revenue Legislation Amendment Act (Qld) 2022 was assented to on 30 June 2022.

Changes to the Land Tax Act 2010 (Qld), which will impact Queensland landowners from 30 June 2023, mean assess…

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