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Buying established or building new - what's best for investors?

It’s a conundrum faced by many property investors, and making the right or wrong choice can make or break a portfolio. We take a look at the pros and cons of buying an existing home or building a new one for investment purposes.

A house being built and an established home
There are certain benefits for building new and buying established that need to be considered by property investors. Photos: Shutterstock (Image source:

It’s a conundrum faced by many property investors, and making the right or wrong choice can make or break a portfolio. We take a look at the pros and cons of buying an existing home or building a new one for investment purposes.

Big tax benefits, generous government grants and a boatload of builder incentives have made a new build a compelling option for investors as much as owner occupiers in recent years.

But do those advantages outweigh the …

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