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BGC Housing Group fights potential $200 million pay-out to disgruntled customers

Australia's fourth largest builder, BGC Housing Group, has said it would vigorously defend itself from a class action lawsuit brought by thousands of customers angry at building delays and additional project costs.

BGC's head office in Perth, on Elizabeth Quay.
BGC has blamed chronic labour shortages for its inability to meet the demands of a growing chorus of home building customers forced to wait for their homes to be completed. (Image source:

Thousands of customers facing cost blow-outs and lengthy waits for the completion of their new homes have launched a class action law suit against BGC Housing Group.

The Perth-based building company has blamed a shortage of labour and a glut of orders arising from earlier stimulus grants for the delays it says are plaguing the entire industry nationally.

Morgan Alteruthemeyer Legal Group announced it had secured funding with Omni Bridgeway to p…

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