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Confidence building as new homes pop up in record numbers

The ABS this week released their building activity data for September 2021 quarter, showing estimates of the value of building work, number of dwellings commenced, completed, under construction and in the pipeline across Australia.

Melbourne, Australia - Nov 15, 2015: Houses under construction in a suburb in Melbourne, Australia
More detached homes commenced construction in the 12 months to September 2021 than in any previous period. Photo: Shutterstock (Image source:

The ABS this week released their building activity data for September 2021 quarter, showing estimates of the value of building work, number of dwellings commenced, completed, under construction and in the pipeline across Australia.

"More detached homes commenced construction in the 12 months to September 2021 than in any previous period," stated HIA Economist, Tom Devitt.

ABS's monthly building approval data showed detached homes in November 20…

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