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Seller satisfaction slips, further fall to come

Vendors are becoming dissatisfied with sales prices, with seller happiness falling by 5 per cent across all markets in April and likely to fall further in 2020 as the impacts of COVID-19 become fully felt.

Seller satisfaction slips, further fall to come
Seller satisfaction in Australia's biggest cities fell further than smaller metropolitan areas. Photo: Shutterstock (Image source:

Vendors are becoming dissatisfied with sales prices, with seller happiness falling by 5 per cent across all markets in April and likely to fall further in 2020 as the impacts of COVID-19 become fully felt.

RateMyAgent’s Price Expectation Report, a survey of more than 20,000 property sellers across Australia, indicated vendors were becoming increasingly unhappy with the sale prices achieved.

In the first three months of the year, the overall tre…

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