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Housing supply promises built on shaky foundations

Constantly shifting goal posts and overly optimistic government promises are jeopardising any prospect that Australia's housing supply shortages will be effectively addressed.

Graphic of house being built on blueprints with overlay of Michael Matusik
Can the government's plan to build hundreds of thousands more homes keep up with population growth? (Image source: Shutterstock/API Magazine)

I don’t know about you, but I am losing count as to how many new homes the federal government is promising to help build over the next five years.

At the time of writing, it is up to 1.2 million – or 240,000 per annum – between 2024 and 2029. This was one million new homes only a month or two ago.

Now the Albanese government will give the state and territory governments $15,000 every time one of these 200,000 new target homes is built. 

The fe…

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