Latest Investor In Focus News

Bulk-buy investors leap straight into the deep end

Not content to just buy a property or two, Scott and Lisa have in five busy years become landlords to more than a dozen tenants across a range of multi-unit investments.

Renovated two-bedroom Sydney apartment.
A $20,000 renovation of a first property in Pyrmont, Sydney, added $100,000 to the valuation price for the apartment. (Image source: provided by Scott Shuttleworth)

Why buy a single unit when you can buy in bulk?

As a couple of self-confessed maths nerds, Scott Shuttleworth and wife Lisa quickly recognised that, as is the case with groceries, buying in bulk made financial sense.

The pair have rapidly built a property portfolio with a rather unusual composition. While most investors gradually accumulate a property at a time over many years, Scott and Lisa within five years have become the owners of no less …

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