Latest Commercial Property News

Four savvy ways to supercharge commercial investing returns

One of the strongest benefits of investing in commercial property is the ability to add value to the property to increase its worth - this aspect alone is what makes commercial so lucrative and sets it apart from its low-yielding counterpart, residential.

Shopping centre property with several different tenancies
Commercial property assets can provide higher returns on investment than similarly-priced residential properties. Photo: Shutterstock (Image source:

One of the strongest benefits of investing in commercial property is the ability to add value to the property to increase its worth. 

This aspect alone is what makes commercial so lucrative and sets it apart from its low-yielding counterpart, residential. 

If you’re looking to maximise your commercial property returns, here’s four key things to consider:

Rent Increases

One way to slowly build capital in a commercial property is to simply allo…

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