Why you can’t use council rates notice valuations when assessing a property’s worth Property Management | 3-5-2024
Surge in granny flats as borrowers seek mortgage-busting income Building and Construction | 27-2-2024
Forget about interest rates, cost of living and the economy - one factor is dominating the property market Building and Construction | 12-4-2024
'Nonsensical' policies only diverting attention from real causes of rental crisis Building and Construction | 13-3-2024
Fastest growing population in Australia presents housing, labour balancing act Development | 26-7-2024
Lunacy, stupidity, inequity: what the 'knuckleheads' in charge of housing need to know Finance | 2-8-2024
Conflicting global liveabilty rankings can happily be taken with a grain of salt Residential | 17-7-2024
Mind the gap: investors weighing up new build costs against existing dwellings Building and Construction | 15-6-2024
The average wage earner pays $1 million in tax - property investment can reduce that markedly Tax | 15-7-2024
When it comes to real estate investment, there's one sure way to land a winner Investment | 15-4-2024
The Dubai Effect: why Australian property is an Asia Pacific safe haven Commercial Property | 30-7-2024
The secrets to successfully investing in regional South Australia's booming market Investment | 29-4-2024
Why is Melbourne's property market in the slow lane and will it accelerate in 2024? Residential | 17-4-2024